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Happiest first day of SPRING!

Writer's picture: Kelsey FlotKelsey Flot

Well according to the calendar it is, anyways! With the rain the other day and more rain in the forecast it feels like spring is right on time this year. The bitter cold winter seemed to hit harder this year. I've been very thankful to see the sunshine and longer days but as every other Midwesterner knows this is not a permanent state. Rain may be in this weeks forecast but a blizzard is likely anytime in the next month...or two, but we're going to pretend that's not true while the sunshine is here!

SPRING designs are almost here! I'm so freaking excited for them! In a perfect world I'd be able to release them today, but life had other plans this week. I've posted a couple sneak peak videos on TikTok. The ghostie dude might be my favorite this release! Definitely my favorite character every time. He's just so cute! I'm going to be working hard this week to get everything finalized and uploaded.

Saturday 3/26 @ 8pm CST

On Saturday there will be a bunch of new designs and products to choose from to place your next order! You'll be able to purchase some spring wreaths, including the bunny one pictured, and I'm wanting to thin out my houseplant collection a little bit if anyone is interested in some leafy green goodness!

Easter Wreath for sale Saturday 3/26 @ 8PM CST

I've been planning for spring since the beginning of the year. I started planning my garden/landscape to spark any bit of joy I could. I went a little crazy on seeds. I stopped keeping count after my first seed order. With the state of the world constantly being so bleak the last few years for a hundred reasons I've come to terms with a lot of things in life. I've thought a lot about what I hope my life to be and what I want from it. If all of social media vanished today would I have a fulfilled life? I've been thinking out loud about this recently, so sorry if I've already said it, but I think the answer would be yes. I love the life my husband and I have, even if we're broke. I love creating and digging in the dirt and the safety we've created in our home. I do try to be as genuine as possible on the internet and it's so easy to be all consumed online, but social media is not an accurate representation of anyone.

Last year I was able to quit my part time job and I haven't been productive in ways society makes us think we should be. I spent almost every morning last summer in my little garden watching the bees, butterflies, and birds enjoy the fruits of my labor. I'm sure that sounds boring to some but it was so cathartic for me. I've learned so much the last couple years when it comes to plants and gardening, like so much. I don't claim to be an expert, though. The beauty of the hobby with plants is that most people I know don't really care about it. I'm not saying that to bring down the mood at all because I see it as a good thing. Nobody really seems to care about how much produce I pick or how many of my seedlings died off because I overwatered. When it comes to plants and gardening I can fail over and over again and NOBODY cares. In the plant world there is no failing because you're always learning from your mistakes. It's something I can do and be good at or totally suck. If I am good at it then I get to enjoy the beauty of what I've curated. I truly hope everyone finds a hobby they can do that with!

Spring always feels like the right time of year to start something new and realign your life, whatever that means to everyone on an individual level! I don't think I'm profound in saying that. The shedding of every season gives you a boost to do whatever you want to make your life worth living, and it's amazing how different that looks for everyone. I hope everyone can find the light in life no matter what the state of the world is in. We all deserve relief from that darkness.

I will see you Saturday for the shop update!


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